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Turkish dreams

Green carpet dotted lines and inscriptions made by the hands of fate, history and human beings. And copper domes illuminate heads mosques such as locked prayers rising towards the clouds. Those of Turkey, which we went we see from the windows of the plane before preparing for landing. So what about the features of the image of the land in this country Kabir Qasenda who is eighty years of age republic?!

On the morning of our arrival to the Turkish capital Ankara, we received the title of a prominent journalist (big O Turkey  ...)! Not the address summary and cheese Commenting on the admission of the country to the European Union, or debt repayment Turkish owed which exceeded two hundred billion U.S. dollars, or low unemployment rate, or the recovery of the national currency, but Turkey's great because Metrepettha young Sartab Warner won the lottery (everything in and the pursuit of ) first place in European competition for the first time since the start of the Turkish posts 28 years ago !

He told me young man croons melodic famous The Sartab today is the last masses in Turkey after winning, and was previously released five albums, and today turned ear Turkish to hear the words that told by Sartab in Turkish and English, accompanied on stage in performance dancers Oorbeat uniforms and movements mixed Middle and the West together. The win was the song Turkish comes across as globalization or (Orebeat), says the words: I feel and you proceed through the trail different / to reach the coast Remote / profess love me with your eyes / two Tstdaran to Thmlqa in the heavens empty / I thought it ended / as we crossed it all /.. But I do everything in my power / I 'll try to make you love me again / everything in my power / I will give you the whole love / and everything in my power / cry / and die / even become the royal seconds . This song is almost to be represented (the Turkish way of life) , she wants to achieve their ends in any way, and the new generations to be aware of the lesson well , those generations that continue in the streets sing of life, dreamy better tomorrow , despite everything .

Circumvent the Turks on Grilled Cheese for a simple breakfast up to eat one piece hot and tasty than Sumait offered by vendors on the streets of the country. Samit cheese with sesame and another type and a third without them. Cheese manufacturers in preparing as sellers in display. Sumait sale profession of Empire Life (documentary I saw a picture for the seller Sumait to bridge Jta the Officer hundred years ago or more). With sips of hot tea, in a small glass cup complete morning meal price does not exceed a quarter of a million pounds.

No Tgrenk millions, the Turkish lira despite the recovery in front of the world's currencies in recent months is still sick two years ago against the U.S. dollar while lost half its value between overnight and Pat dollar today parallels million four hundred thousand pounds, making it visits the country millionaire the moment of entry : Fastijar trolley bags at the airport worth about two million pounds, and the taxi carrying the passenger from the airport to the hotel fifty million, and the price of Turkish shawarma is three million , while the meal Alexander the most popular (which wafers of bread and bacon added to them butter ) Vifawt price by provided by the restaurants , which have up to 15 million pounds only.

Maybe Turks spend their day outside the home, do not return to it only in the evening. Spend the time between study and work, hiking and lunch, where there are restaurants in every street clean, you see a family here, and friends there. With lunch to our neighborhood met eight women youngest above sixty, uniforms no longer discriminate women here today. Be ate a meal remember the days during which dreams youth ; their youth and young people of the Republic of becoming like them a pension , have reached day 80 years ago .

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