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Roads in Abu Dhabi will be named after camels and UAE heritage links

Fast Camel Street, Camel Hump Street, Virgin Camel Street,  and Baby Camel Street…the UAE can expect to have many more camel streets name as part of  your immediate future, as indicated by Abu Dhabi Municipality.

It is planning to rename much more than 1,000 roads throughout the Abu Dhabi emirate. There is also supposed to be an Anchor Rope Street and countless streets named after desert plants, gazelles,  jewellery and the pearling industry.

Authorities claim it is the biggest street renaming project have you ever witnessed in the Gulf, which cover 80 per cent of the land area of the UAE – and the Abu Dhabi federal government expects to achieve the complete mapping system online by the end of 2015, with a digital satellite navigation system to follow.
With one thousand new street names, that ended up being numerous local history researching. While the accurate English translation has not been successful for many of the names, we have started giving literal translation from Arabic.

To find exciting new street names, municipality staff went to older people to listen for local traditions, put names and heritage to remember on street signs.

“We have a younger generation that are losing touch with history, so everyone can learn this way,” said Al Shehhi, as she demonstrated the most appealing new feature of the new system. Every sign post is going to have a QR code at eye level – so simply point your smart phone at it and it will show you the meaning, in Arabic and English, about the street name, its history background and the correct pronunciation.

This could possibly be invaluable to everyone, not simply for learning local history, but additionally learning Arabic.

Some street names will be site specific, such as when the team found an elderly person talking about a “Mahda”, anaturally cool area where families traditionally moved to farm during the hot summer months.

And behind all of the traditional heritage lies a very advanced computer system to record it all and create a user-friendly mapping system for the public.

It will also include a satellite navigation system – so an address can simply be entered and the system will show you the best route, similar to Google Maps, but specific to the UAE.

The whole system, they hope, should be ready by 2016.“It is very exciting and we have a lot of people involved in this research,” he said. “When we are finished, Abu Dhabi will be a very different place.”

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